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Helicopter, Lawnmower or Good Enough? Modern Parentlng Styles

21 July 2017

What is considered safe parenting now is so different to say, that in the 1970's, where children were able to roam about and left to their own devices. 

Now, playing at home, inside, is standard for 8 -12 year olds and the distance they are allowed from home has shrunk 90% since the 1970's. (read more)

Parents worry more now. The "helicopter" parent hovers, ready to fly in and solve, help or protect. The "lawnmower" parent is ahead of the child, smoothing the way, predicting problems.

All this attention from parents isn't actually helping children, as teachers are aware. Always providing stimulation dulls creativity and imagination, the hovering parent can create anxiety in the child. Risk taking is part of development.

50 years ago, Donald Woods, a paediatrician and psychoanalyst introduced "good enough parenting" as a way to develop secure, independent children. Perhaps he was onto something..

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