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Community Consultation and Boaty McBoatface

19 April 2016

Perhaps organisations will at last think twice before opening up naming rights to community consultation.

Just because it works for the latest cute baby at the zoo doesn't mean it will for, say, a scientific vessel or, say, a new vegemite brand.

Why shouldn't people have fun with it? After all, it's to get people talking about the item and that has certainly happened, but after Kraft's experience with their vegemite and cheese combo that gained the name iSnack2.0 by popular vote, it seems bizarre that the public relations people at the NERC didn't envisage a less than distinguished name. It now seems they will reject the publicly voted name which then causes a new wave of criticism.

I find Boaty McBoatface an hilarious name,  and so was the spoof video for Kraft's iSnack2.0. Wonder when we'll see another public vote for the launch of something?

Read more in The Conversation, here.

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