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Great Stories About Kids Seeing Shows

8 May 2016

Image: from Possum Magic, written by Mem Fox, illustrated by Julie Vivas

Possum Magic and One Little Boy

It's often hard to know what impact taking students to see a show has on them. Send us in any reactions you know about. Here's a story where the impact was very clear, from Garry Ginivan of Garry Ginivan Attractions (GGA)

Since it's first production by GGA in 1993, Possum Magic has played to over one million Australians. This is the story of just one.

"In 2008, we were touring Possum Magic again. In Gladstone, in Queensland, there were some students from a special school in the audience. One little boy in a wheelchair had shown no reaction to anything for 2 years. During the show, he started to smile, by the end of the show, he was dancing in his wheelchair. All the accompanying teachers were in tears. They couldn't believe it, they'd never seen him even smile before. That's why we know about it. They were so moved, they told the crew and theatre staff and there were lots of photos taken. Makes it all worthwhile.

Ed: Thanks Garry! Send us more stories. This year GGA are touring There's A Hippopotamus On Our Roof Eating Cake 

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